Favorite Links
We are very fortunate here at Reuel Dairy Goats to have bucks, does, and their offspring in herds all across the country from California to Florida and from Alaska to Arizona and we would like to express our thanks to those who have purchased animals from us. We would especially like to thank the fine folks at Black Mesa Ranch for all their help in keeping our web site up to date and for taking such great care of our bucks and does as they put them to work in their farmstead, artisan cheese dairy in Snowflake, Arizona. See their operation at www.BlackMesaRanch.com.
Other links that we enjoy are:
Herd sites:
- TLC farms www.TLC-farms.com
- Remuda Nubians www.remuda-nubians.com
- www.Livestockconcepts.com
- www.jefferslivestock.com
- www.Valleyvet.com
- www.animart.com
- www.PBSanimalhealth.com
Equipment for milking equipment and machines:
Equipment for grooming :
- For Double K clippers and blowers: www.PFWh.com
- For clipper blades and supplies: www.petedge.com
For speciality items and goatie gifts:
For AI equipment:
For Information:
Contact Information
We enjoy our goats and enjoy sharing information about them. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or wish to discuss reserving kids or buying milkers.
LeRoy and Sandy Riehle
Deer Park, WA
Phone: (509)276-6207
Email: Sandy@ReuelDG.com